Receive Interface Power ----------------------- The receive interface uses these pins of the serial port. Signal 25 pin 9 pin Name connector connector Function ------ --------- --------- -------- TxD 2 3 * see below RTS 4 7 * DTR 20 4 * GND 7 5 ground DSR 6 6 amplified audio to computer Notice that the serial port has three output lines (TxD, RTS, and DTR) which are used to power the op amp, and in some cases, provide audio output and push-to-talk (PTT). Different interfaces use different combinations and polarities for the power. Power taken from ---------------- TxD RTS DTR Interface --- --- --- ---------- + - SSC PC SSTV + - AEA FAX + - EZ SSTV (version 2) - + SSTV Explorer - + VESTER - + HAMCOMM - + JVFAX - + MSCAN - + GSH-PC Note that the earlier systems used the RTS pin for positive (+) power and either DTR or TxD for negative (-). Most later systems have settled on DTR for positive (+). This is the default for EZ SSTV version 3 but the polarity can be reversed for use with the older interfaces. To change the polarity, pick "SSTV Interface" from the "Setup" menu, then click on the "Power" button. What happens if it is set wrong? 1. Circuits with the transmitter's push-to-talk (PTT) activated by the RTS or DTR will turn on the transmitter when the program is in receive mode. 2. An attempt to receive will result in a message that there is no receive interface or audio present. This is because the interface is not receiving the necessary power to amplify the audio and apply it to the computer's serial port.